Monthly Archives: September 2012

Ferbering to Zerberting


So often I start a blog post and am interrupted and completely lose where I was going with it or it just doesn’t seem as relevant as it was when I started the post. The blog post that I had started several weeks ago was about how we had tried to Ferber my giant baby (GB) unsuccessfully. (He is one determined little guy!) When I decided to give-up (for now…) on any sort of sleep training, my GB slept through the night! That morning, I was so thrilled that I gave him big zerberts on his chubby tummy and while we were both laughing, I realized how funny it was to go from Ferbering to zerberting. Hence, my clever blog title! Thanks for indulging me- my blog content is soooo 3 weeks ago but I just had to use that blog title!

August wasn’t very sleep-filled but it was filled with perspective, as well as laughter. I always admire people like David Sedaris who can find the funny in anything, even cancer or death. That’s not usually me, it’s so much easier to give myself excuses to be cranky and irritated. It’s not cancer, but we did have a stomach bug buzz through our house. While it wasn’t funny watching our daughter vomit, it was sweetly funny when she couldn’t stop talking at 3 am and we were exhausted. Also gross and funny? My GB had a blow-out in the car (no stranger to us) and I realized I had taken my bag of extra clothes inside our house to be restocked. Not helpful when we needed back-up. So the GB had his first partially nude visit to Target (in a diaper and hat). We just had to laugh!

Speaking of my GB, he has a new skill: dancing. And my daughter is starting her very first dance class today. Does anyone remember what my very first resolution was? It was dancing and so this month, I’d like to enjoy a little dance remix resolution.

Here’s what I’ve been dancing to the first few days in September: perfect song to start this month off (Wow. Don’t you wish you could dance in those performance outfits?), the song that my husband and I forgot the steps to, and this morning’s song (that I’ve heard 2,394 times).

Hope to inspire the dance within you this month. ; Re-re-re-mix!
