Tag Archives: magic

Magical Sanctuary


Oh, it was such a magical month!  I had absolutely intended to post so much more in December, but I suppose I was lost in those magical moments.  Ha! No, really this resolution helped me to keep perspective when things got tough during this transition to life with two kids.  A big thank you to my teammate (who incidentally is the Magic: The Gathering Hawaii State Champion of 199-something)!

I wanted to send you all a special Christmas magical treat.  Or maybe you would enjoy this more?  I wanted to post all of the fun places our Elf on the Shelf, Dee, appeared, but I suppose I’ll just have to be content with this one photo.   It was nothing short of magic to watch our daughter enjoy Christmas this year, including her daily search for Dee.  I can only imagine how much more magical future Christmases will be as she gets older.

Hope you all had a magical month as well!  Here’s to 2012!

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” 

-Roald Dahl

Restful November, Magical December


I’m truly honest when I say I really have slept relatively well this month. It was the perfect resolution, because I really focused on getting as much sleep and resting when I could. I’ll also be honest and say it was hard to do with a toddler, newborn and (almost done!) remodeling project that needed attention. I hope you all had a sweetly slumbering month as well.
And it’s December- can you believe it? I struggled these last few days thinking of what I’d do this month- what should this month be about? What do I need? Maybe it’s the Elf on the Shelf idea that we’re implementing at our house (with no effect on behavior whatsoever…), maybe it’s the sweetness of having a newborn, or perhaps the fact that I had “The Final Countdown” running through my head all day yesterday, but it occurred to me that this is a magical time. So this holiday season, I’m going to embrace the magic of having a precocious toddler and a darling newborn. Wishing you all a magical December as well!