Tag Archives: vegetarian

What’s for Dinner?


Here are some of our dinners from the past month:

  • Tacos with sauteed zucchini, corn, carrots and cojita cheese
  • pasta
  • lots of pizza (my husband is perfecting the dough recipe for his new venture, Pinthouse Pizza)
  • our “random” soup: vegetable broth, pasta, whatever veggies we need to eat up, seasoning
  • quesadillas
  • rice/quinoa/polenta +  vegetables
  • paninis (We had goat cheese, roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes and basil on ours.)
  • Nordstrom’s tomato basil soup and grilled cheese
  • Sloppy Joes (with soy crumbles) and sweet potato fries
  • Veggie burgers

We also tried a few vegan recipes from Veganomicon: Quinoa with Pineapple and Cashews and Pumpkin Scones with Cranberries.  Both were really good!  The Veganomicon authors have a great blog and this fantastic website too.

Moosewood cookbooks are always a win if you’re looking for healthy and delicious recipes.  In fact, the number one searched term that leads to this very blog is the Moosewood recipe for Armenian Lentil Soup.

Thank you to my friend, Kate, for informing me about the website Treehugger.com.  A great resource for all things green, including vegetarian recipes.  Although today there’s an article about eating protein-rich insects.  Hmmm…..not sure about that one.

I also found a great resource on Gwyneth Paltrow’s website compiled by famous vegetarian, Paul McCartney- with recipes, cookbook recommendations and other tools.

It’s not a vegetarian blog but most of the recipes from Farmhouse Delivery’s blog are vegetable-based, with beautiful step-by-step photos.

Of course, this month isn’t the end of our vegetarian/vegan eating, so what are your favorite vegetarian resources, websites, cookbooks, or recipes?



I can’t believe I’m going to write a post completely about bacon. I have honestly thought our culture’s recent obsession with bacon is silly, and in my opinion, unwarranted. I’ve never really been that into bacon, until my pregnancies. Until now, I don’t think I realized how much bacon I really enjoyed during each of my pregnancies. So, I’ll say it loud and proud, I miss BACON!

If I could, I would go to Manny Hattan’s and get their B.L.T. Or perhaps to Bacon (the restaurant).  Mmmm….

Do you think all of this bacon talk is nonsense?



Yahoo! January 1st is such a momentous day for this blog. It’s our 2nd anniversary! Thank you for reading and playing along with me. WordPress just sent me a summary of this year’s visitors- how fun that we’ve had visitors from Canada and Italy? It does make this giant world seem a little smaller.

My husband (and a few of his friends) suggested we be vegetarians this month. After eating lots of meat during both pregnancies, I’m ready to get back to what always felt natural to me (since November 1995). My challenge this month will be to try out more vegan food and to be a healthy vegetarian (and less of a gelato/candy/potato chip/fried cheese-eating sort of vegetarian). I’m hoping to have a few guest posts on here too (maybe you?).

As always, if you feel inclined, I’d love for you to join in on the resolution fun. Or share your own resolutions- what are your resolutions?

Happy 2012 to you all!