Tag Archives: Oprah

Daring Greatly in April!


I was hoping to have some pictures of my newly framed photos to share with you all but I can’t find the pictures I ordered to put into the frames! I’m sure they’re around here somewhere… Anyways, proof of my progress coming soon!
I’m so excited about my April resolution: daring greatly. I kept hearing about Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly and then I saw Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday interview with her and knew that this was a book I needed to read.

Of course, I’d love for you to join me in reading this book and daring greatly in your life, if you feel so inclined.  My daring greatly starts tomorrow when I board a plane- eek!  Happy April!


Guest Post: What You Focus on Expands



by Lexie

The other day, I read an article on Oprah.com about her journaling styles throughout the years.  It looks like Oprah also practices gratitude in her daily reflections which has to mean I’m onto something here, yes?:   😉

“In my 40s, I got wiser. I started using journals to express my gratitude—and watched my blessings multiply. What you focus on expands.”

This week has been an emotional roller coaster as my furry friend, Niko, suddenly developed huge swollen lymph nodes and my vet prepared me for the worst.  Lymphoma.  He kept Niko for a couple of hours to do a biopsy and blood work and in the meantime, I tried to keep it together.  Niko has been a huge part of my life for the last 11 years.
Practicing gratitude leading up to this really helped me cope.  I felt so very fortunate that my husband was in town and not traveling like he typically does.  Those hugs were much needed.  He walked Niko slowly around the neighborhood each day and helped me clean up accidents in the house that were caused by Niko’s medication.  It was heartbreaking to watch yet comforting to know we were in this together.
Results from the tests came back with questions still unanswered so we went in for additional testing.  As I left the vet for the third time and drove us back home, I started adding up the vet bills in my head.  It suddenly occurred to me that the commission check I received the week prior was within $2 of the vet bills all combined.  Isn’t that something?  The money was all there, preparing me financially for this week.
I’m still in awe of how extremely blessed I am during such a challenging time.  The biggest blessing of all?  Niko’s swollen lymph nodes have significantly gone down today after experimenting with some antibiotics, which is very encouraging that this could just be an infection, not cancer (going against all odds of what the vet has witnessed in his profession).
Maybe we do have control on our blessings multiplying or maybe it’s merely being more aware of the things we should be thankful for.  All I know is that I’m hugging my little family closer these days and am thankful for the time we have.



I love resolutions. Each year, for the past two decades or so, I’ve looked forward to making my list of resolutions for the new year. And each year, I (perhaps like you?) have had a list of resolutions I never completed.

So, as I sat down to figure out my new years’ resolutions for 2010, I was inspired with a new idea. Why not focus on one resolution each month?

As one of my favorite celebrities/TV hosts/magazine owner/philanthropists/actresses/producers has said, “You can have it all. Just not at the same time.”   Here’s to having it all, a little bit more each month!