Tag Archives: letting go



I chose my resolution poorly this month. Not complaining doesn’t make me any happier. In fact, it has made me realize that 1) I’m not the Debbie Downer kind of complainer (or at least I hope not…) 2) my “complaints” are necessary for my expression, the way I process things 3) stuffing my complaints away only makes me feel worse. My intention this month was to stop complaining about all the hardships of parenting and to get my role as a mother into perspective (i.e. take the tantrums in stride, be present and model calming down). This might still be hard for me to do but honestly, by letting go of this month’s resolution, I think I’ve learned a lot about myself.
The irony is not lost on me here: complaining about not complaining!

First Crawlers & Toddlers Yoga


My daughter had a great time at her first Crawlers & Toddlers yoga class today, despite missing her morning nap. It is always so incredible to me how the little ones respond to the bowl ringing and om chanting.
It was also fascinating for me to watch Delaney bolt from my arms, explore the room for awhile but then search for my face among the mamas in order to check back in.   It is a constant lesson for both of us in learning to let go, a balance between freedom and protection.


(Thanks, Delora, for an awesome class!)