Tag Archives: health



So, yes, I’ve been wanting to update my blog, but I didn’t expect for WordPress (or my Mac, or my children on the iPad?) to update it for me!  I apologize for the last post that might have appeared a bit cryptic.  Or perhaps I was sleep-blogging last night?

I’m still skimming the Engine 2 Diet book but I saw this quote from Jeff Novick, MS, RD and thought this might be a better summary than something I could create:
“Just to clarify… the term “plant-based” diet is not necessarily a diet that is 100% free of animal products but a diet where the majority of the calories in it comes from plants. If it is 100% plants, which many of us follow &/or recommend, then it might be called a plant exclusive, pure plant, pure vegetarian, vegan, etc., diet. In addition, when we are discussing the diets recommended by Dr Esselstyn, Dr McDougall, Dr Goldhamer, myself, etc., etc., which have been documented to reverse, CVD, HTN, DB, Met Synd, etc., it is also a diet that is lower in fat & also low in, or free of, added SOS (Salt/sodium, Oil/fat & Sugar/sweeteners).”  (I’m following Jeff Novick on Facebook- great information, BTW.)

We made these Sweet Potato & Black Bean Quesadillas twice and even my picky four year old ate them!   I also enjoyed my own breakfast steel oats creation (morning grain blend and blueberries).  I also made a rustic vegetable soup.  I thought it was delicious but my family was so-so on it.   If anyone wants the recipe to add to their “Yucky Family Recipe Cookbook.”  I’m happy to share it! Ha!

I have really been wanting to dive into some more creative projects and thought I’d start the book The Artist’s Way.  It’s not the right time for it though; I need to really devote myself to this.  Instead, (and I’m pretty excited about this…) I’m going to spend the rest of the month doodling every day.  I could tell you why I want to doodle every day as this month’s resolution or you could watch this awesome 6 minute Ted Talk.

Gosh, just saying the word “doodle” out loud is a treat.  Did you giggle a little bit?  (You’re welcome.)

Vinegar Update & Jesus


I really do recommend trying apple cider vinegar. I typically added about a teaspoon to a big glass of water. Warning: it is an acquired taste (I think I acquired it on about day 4…)! My husband unknowingly took a sip and exclaimed “WHAT are you drinking?!?” I wish I could tell you exactly how it’s had a positive influence on me this past month (maybe I slept more efficiently? clearer complexion?) but here’s a list I found of health benefits.
I debated whether or not I’d admit this but I found myself last week with my first experience with dandruff. I know, gross. Naturally, I googled what to do and what appeared in my results but “apple cider vinegar.” Isn’t the universe funny sometimes? Thirty four years sans dandruff and it appears this month? I’m happy to report, it worked. 🙂

This year, I am very ready for the holidays.  We’ve decorated the tree, shopped for  Christmas gifts, bought Nutcracker tickets, made a gingerbread house, and purchased the coolest Advent calendar.  But of course, Jesus is the reason for the season, right?  My 2012 church attendance was poor and I’ve been craving some more spiritual connection in my life for some time.  This month, I’m going to carve time out of these busy days and pray, reflect, and focus on what’s important.

Wishing you all whatever you need this month- be it spiritual connection, better sleep, time with friends and family or half a billion dollars.  I’m so grateful to you, reading this blog for three years!

P.S. If you’ve ever wondered, I do strive to have the strangest mix of tags on this blog.  I wonder if there’s some blog award out there for most bizarre blog tags? 😉

The Anti-Anxiety Diet


I’m not sure if it’s the frantic business of being a mom of 2, my post-partum hormones, my lack of sleep, my sometimes horrendous diet (fast food is sometimes the only option…) or my sugar addiction (or all of the above?), but I’ve been feeling anxious lately. I experienced terrible anxiety attacks in college and I will do everything I need to avoid going back to that dark place.

So, my resolution this month is to put myself on a diet, an anti-anxiety diet:

  • reduce sugar intake
  • reduce processed foods
  • reduce caffeine and alcohol
  • exercise regularly
  • daily meditation/checking-in spiritually
  • adequate sleep
  • giving myself space and boundaries (i.e. saying no, being easier on myself, etc.)

Am I missing anything?  What do you do to keep yourself balanced?

What Keeps You Motivated? Take Two.


It’s time for my typical confession at the end of the month- I’ve missed a two days of exercise in the this month.  Can I use the excuse that my daughter was sick for almost a week?   The truth is, it’s hard to stay motivated- even if I have a blog that helps to keep me accountable.   This month has been successful in getting back on track.  Tonight I actually requested that my husband feel my abs (…and he seemed quite underwhelmed by my stronger core- thanks, hon!).  This resolution is naturally one I’d like to continue, preferably for my entire lifetime.  I thought I would take a moment to gather some strategies for keeping motivated about fitness:

  • Keeping a schedule and sticking with it.
  • Good music- I recently discovered a podcast called Motion Traxx, which has premixed workout music.  Writing this post though has just inspired me to make up my own playlist.  Any can’t-help-but-move-my-booty music suggestions?
  • Having a workout buddy.  Making workout dates (instead of going out to eat dates!).
  • New workout clothes
  • Keeping it fun.
  • Oh, yes- and the satisfaction of knowing I’m doing the healthy thing.

What keeps you moving?