Tag Archives: Free Flow Vinyasa

I Heart Shiva Rea


Shiva Rea has been my favorite yogi for a long time. This month, I experienced a few of her practices for the first time.   Surf Yoga Soul is a fun DVD, set on a beach with surf boards, naturally. It’s enjoyable even if you’re not a surfer (which I’m not) and emphasizes wave-related movements of the body within the poses.

Yesterday I did Yoga Journal’s Shiva Rea Free Flow Vinyasa DVD. It was a recorded session from a Yoga Journal Conference. It doesn’t have the gorgeous backgrounds as in other DVDs but Shiva Rea’s words in this practice were so thought-provoking for me.
I LOVE Shiva Rea’s Yoga Shakti, Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga and Yoga Trance Dance. All three of these have several pre-set yoga practices but they also contain a “yoga matrix” in which you can design your own practices from the different segments. I’ve had these DVDs for years and I’m still not bored with them.